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Book Viral SONORA PASS Review


Our review……

An intriguing debut graphic novel, Sonora Pass proves a genuine gem with author Jaime Olmos and illustrator Kevin Nichols pulling out all the stops to deliver a corker of a story. Boasting an eclectic cast of characters and a ton of intrigue the art seems effortless with each chapter unfolding in a straight forward artistically uncluttered style that’s easy to follow. And though there is lots of dialogue none of it feels belaboured with Nicholls succinctly matching expressions, movements and gestures to Olmos’ words, but does it work as a murder mystery? The short answer is yes, and a compelling one to boot with Olmos ensuring it doesn’t become over simplified. The plot is nicely nuanced with no infuriating loose threads, the dialogue is sharp, the humour well pitched and between them, Olmos and Nichols do well to capture the progression of their characters. From emotions, to physical reactions they not only solicit an emotive response, readers don’t have to use their imagination to immerse themselves in a scene. They simply have to absorb the images and words to be part of an extraordinary novel.


Wholly original and an utterly entertaining read, Sonora Pass is, by any definition, an accomplished debut and a must read for fans of the genre. It is recommended without reservation.